Project Description
RETRAINER – REaching and grasping Training based on Robotic hybrid AssIstance for Neurological patients: End users Real life evaluation

The aim of the RETRAINER project is to tune and validate advanced, robot-based technologies to facilitate recovery of arm and hand function in stroke survivors and to verify extensively the use of the system by end-users. RETRAINER will allow the users to use their own arm and hand as much and as soon as possible after the trauma so to achieve the best outcomes in rehabilitation.
A continuous iterative process between the technology development and the testing feedback will drive the whole project. RETRAINER will implement a full technology transfer from the results of a previous FP7 project, MUNDUS, aimed at setting up a similar assistive device for severely disabled people in daily life activities.
- Ambrosini E, Ferrante S, Zajc J, Bulgheroni M, Baccinelli W, d’Amico E, Schauer T, Wiesener C, Russold M, Gfoehler M, Puchinger M, Weber M, Becker S, Krakow K, Rossini M, Proserpio D, Gasperini G, Molteni F, Ferrigno G, Pedrocchi A. The combined action of a passive exoskeleton and an EMG-controlled neuroprosthesis for upper limb stroke rehabilitation: First results of the RETRAINER project. IEEE Int Conf Rehabil Robot. 2017 Jul; 2017:56-61.
- Immick, Nancy, Ambrosini, Emilia, Augsten, Andreas, Rossini, Mauro, Gasperini, Giulio, Proserpio, Davide, … Krakow, Karsten. (2018). Hybrid Robotic System for Arm Training after stroke: preliminary results of a randomized controlled trial.
- Pedrocchi, Alessandra, & Bulgheroni, Maria. (2018). RETRAINER Project: Perspectives and Lesson Learnt on Clinical Trial in Rehabilitation Robotics to Foster Industrial Exploitation. Presented at the International Conference on Neurorehabilitation (ICNR), Pisa.
- Gasperini, Giulio, Rossini, Mauro, Proserpio, Davide, Immick, Nancy, Augusten, Andreas, Pedrocchi, Alessandra, … Molteni, Franco. (2018). Hybrid robotic system combining passive exoskeleton and functional electrical stimulation for upper limb stroke rehabilitation: Preliminary results of the retrainer multi-center randomized controlled trial.
- Ambrosini, E.; Russold, M.; Gfoehler, M.; Puchinger, M.; Weber, M.; Becker, S.; Krakow, K.; Immick, N.; Augsten, A.; Rossini, M.; et al. A Hybrid Robotic System for Arm Training of Stroke Survivors: Concept and First Evaluation. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 2019, 66, 3290–3300.