Project Description
MoveCare – Multiple-actOrs Virtual Empathic CARegiver for the Elder

MoveCare develops and field tests an innovative multi-actor platform that supports the independent living of the elder at home by monitoring, assisting and promoting activities to counteract decline and social exclusion. It comprises 3 hierarchical layers:
- A service layer provides monitoring and intervention. It endows objects of everyday use with advanced processing capabilities and integrates them in a distributed pervasive monitoring system to derive degradation indexes linked to decline.
- A context-aware Virtual Caregiver, embodied into a service robot, is the core layer. It uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to propose to the elder a personalized mix of physical/cognitive/social activities as exergames. It evaluates the elder status, detects risky conditions, sends alerts and assists in critical tasks, in therapy and diet adherence.
- The users’ community strongly promotes socialization acting as a bridge towards the elders’ ecosystem: other elders, clinicians, caregivers and family. Gamification glues together monitoring, lifestyle, activities and assistance inside a motivating and rewarding experience. Off-the-shelf components are assembled in a robust and reliable way to get a low-cost multi-actor IP-domotic platform that can be massively deployed at elders home. The use of software/hardware standards assures interoperability and makes MoveCare adaptable to utmost novel components. Full configurability, personalization, adaptation to elder needs applies to all components to maximize elder compliance, even when computer illiterate. On-field testing starting early in the project assures an implementation iterative approach involving all actors. MoveCare identifies functional and technical metrics to characterize and evaluate the system by means of improvement in its abilities as described by the Multi-Annual Roadmap. The metrics lead to the definition of an evaluation framework transferrable to other fields.
- Luperto M, Romeo M, Lunardini F, Abbate C, Jones R, Cangelosi A, Ferrante S, Borghese NA, “Evaluating the Acceptability of Assistive Robots for Early Detection of Mild Cognitive Impairment”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2019, 2019
- Luperto, J. Monroy, J.R. Ruiz-Sarmiento, F.A. Moreno, N. Basilico, J. Gonzalez-Jimenez, N.A. Borghese, “Towards Long-Term Deployment of a Mobile Robot for at-Home Ambient Assisted Living of the Elderly”, European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR), 2019
- A. Borghese, M. Bulgheroni, F.Miralles, A. Savanovic4, S. Ferrante, T. Kounoudes, S. M. Cid Gala, A. Loutfi, A. Cangelosi, J. Gonzalez, A.Ianes, “Heterogeneous non obtrusive platform to monitor, assist and provide recommendations to elders at home – An introduction to the MOVECARE project.”, AAL 2017, 2019
- Borghese N.A., Cattaneo C., Daniele K., Marcucci M., Zannini L, “How prefrail elders living alone do perceive ICT and what would they ask a robot for…: a qualitative study”, Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2019
- Katia Daniele, Maura Marcucci, Cesarina Cattaneo, Nunzio Alberto Borghese, Lucia Zannini, “How Prefrail Older People Living Alone Perceive Information and Communications Technology and What They Would Ask a Robot for: Qualitative Study”, Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2019
- Francesca Lunardini, Matteo Luperto, Marta Romeo, Jennifer Renoux, Nicola Basilico, Andrej Krpic, Alberto Borghese, Simona Ferrante, “The MOVECARE Project: Home-based Monitoring of Frailty”, Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE EMBS International Conference on Biomedical & Health Informatics (BHI), 2019